2010 AOPA PR Outreach

In 2010, AOPA, once again in conjunction with the Amputee Coalition of America and the PlowShare Group, produced a variety of ads focused on getting the attention of lawmakers and policymakers in the Washington DC area, explaining to the general public the care that O&P professionals provide, and defending patients from potential cuts to O&P in state Medicaid budgets. Here are the products of the campaign.

The following ads were placed in October and November issues of Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, The Week, Time, and U.S. News & World Report:

AOPA. and AC Ad for Policymakers, “Standing for Change”

AOPA and AC Ad for Policymakers, “For Some, Washington is an Obstacle Course”

AOPA and AC Ad  for Public, “Let’s Give this Woman a Hand”

AOPA and AC Ad for Public, “I Want to Hold Your Hand… Daddy”

The following ads were customized for advocacy to states where O&P coverage was threatened by cuts to Medicaid:

Press Release, “Governor Schwarzenegger Proposes Cutting Benefits to Amputees” (March 12, 2010)

AOPA and AC Ad  for Arizona

AOPA and AC Ad for Nevada

AOPA and AC Billboard Ad for Nevada

The following materials were provided to members at the 2010 AOPA National Assembly for their personal media outreach in local areas:

AOPA Media Guide Packet for Members


AOPA Media Guide Local Advertisement

AOPA Code of Interaction with Healthcare Professionals

The following ad was created by AOPA and ACA for distribution in magazines and on bus shelters in the Washington, D.C. area after the earthquake in Haiti devastated that country. AOPA and ACA worked with groups to coordinate relief efforts:

AOPA and AC Haiti Ad