The ABC’s of Audits: What to Expect and How to Respond
AOPAversity Audio Conference
Join AOPA today for an AOPAversity Mastering Medicare Audio Conference that will focus on meeting new Medicare supplier standards and why it’s an important part of your business operation. An AOPA expert will address the following issues during the Audio Conference:
Audits have arrived and they are here to stay. An auditors job is to seek out questionable Medicare payments made in the past and recoup as much money for the Medicare program as they can. But where did they come from? How do they work? To answer these questions and many more, including how to prepare for an audit, attend the audio conference.
• Learn who is auditing your claims and why
• How do audits work
• What restrictions do the auditors have
• How to identify potential problems
• How to handle an audit (documentation, timely responses, etc.)
The cost of participating is always just $99 for AOPA members ($199 for nonmembers) and any number of employees may listen on a given line. Listeners can earn 1.5 continuing education credits by returning the provided quiz within 30 days and scoring at least 80%.
Contact Devon Bernard at dbernard@AOPAnet.org or 571/431-0854 with content questions.
Register online at http://bit.ly/aopa2014audio.
Contact Betty Leppin at bleppin@AOPAnet.org or 571/431-0876 with registration questions.