O&P Experience Zone

During the 2022 National Assembly, join AOPA and your fellow exhibitors to help create this memorable event on Thursday, September 29th, in San Antonio during the 2022 National Assembly.

What is the O&P Experience Zone?: An opportunity to showcase the intersection of technology and clinical care. This will be a unique event featuring patient success stories and demonstrations held in conjunction with the traditional happy hour.

Example: I have a user who wrestles that I would like to profile by holding a wrestling match.  I need a ring, mats and referee.  I also need a 25’ x 25’ space.

AOPA will provide the space.  I am responsible for travel for patient models, the CPO caregiver, referee along with the ring and mat rental. AOPA will assist with resources as needed.


  • Generate media attention to promote how the O&P profession restores lives
  • Create excitement in the Exhibit Hall
  • Provide a venue for manufacturers and adaptive sports organizations to showcase their element.

Details: There is no cost to participate. AOPA will promote your demonstration and provide any space needed. You will only be responsible for any equipment, signage, and travel for your patient model. You must also have the orthotist and/or prosthetist available to answer questions. Additional details to follow.

Here are a few ideas to assist you in your planning:

  • Adaptive Sports Demos
  • Rock Climbing Wall
  • Gymnast
  • Musician
  • Cyclist or Runner
  • Acrobatics with Ariel Silks
  • Wrestling or Martial Arts
  • Dance
  • Emulators
  • Cooking demonstration
  • Bartender
  • Yoga or Pilates

What Next?: Sign up to reserve your spot and demo type here (no duplicates will be permitted).

Contact Tina Carlson at (571) 431-0808 or Assembly@AOPAnet.org with questions or if you have thoughts or ideas about the event.  Whether you are a large or small company and no matter your product type, there is a place for you in this event.  Let’s discuss ideas!