Every O&P clinic wants to operate at optimum efficiency and retain quality staff in its quest to provide excellent patient care.
All O&P facilities are invited to participate in the 2024 O&P Compensation, Benefit & Operating Performance Survey that will collect, analyze, and compare the relative compensation/benefits and financial performance of the profession.
Participants will receive a customized report that compares the performance of an individual practice to other participants in the region of similar size with easy at-a-glance evaluation.
Participation means O&P owners and managers will have measurable date that will help to:
- Retain valuable employees.
- Run a more efficient practice.
- Make informed strategic decisions.
Newly revamped, it is:
- Shorter
- Easier to complete, can be split up to be answered by various people in your organization
- Digital
- Will feature infographic results.
New in 2024, the survey is also open to nonmembers.
Participating practices will receive:
- A custom company report showing how results stack up against similar O&P facilities, by size, geographic region, or profit leaders.
- All participating companies are eligible to enter for a drawing of one of ten $500 gift cards.
- AOPA members participating will also be invited to attend a free webinar to learn how to use the compiled data to optimize business performance.
The survey will be conducted independently by Kai Analytics, a market research firm that compiles the results and ensures the confidentiality of data provided by each facility participant.
The survey is open and will close on July 19 (extended from original deadline) with the final tabulated results available in September. Be on the lookout for your access code. Didn’t get one? Request it here.
Questions? Contact info@AOPAnet.org.