Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled this list of frequently asked questions to help you prepare for the Assembly.  If we’ve missed anything, be sure to contact AOPA headquarters as staff is here to help.

How do I register for the meeting?
You can register for the meeting by visiting the National Assembly website by following this link. There, you can either complete the online form or print a PDF version of the form and fax or mail it to AOPA.  AOPA accepts all major credit cards as well as checks for payment.

Are there any meals included with my registration?
Full conference registration fees include three breakfasts, two lunches, and the welcome reception which includes open bar and refreshments.

Can my guest(s) attend meeting functions as well?
You are encouraged to bring your spouse, friends, and/or family to the National Assembly.  All such attendees must register as guests in order to participate in meeting activities.  There is a fee for guest registrations. Children under the age of 11 may attend the meeting for free and do not need to register.

Guest registration includes students, emeritus practitioners, residents, spouses and other family members over the age of 18.  Those employed by an orthotic, prosthetic or Pedorthic businesses are not eligible to register under this category.  Attendees registering under this category do not qualify to earn CE Credits.

Can I cancel my registration?
To receive a refund of registration fees, less a $50 processing fee, notifications of cancellation must be received in writing no later than September 1, 2015. Please email your cancellation to Ryan Gleeson at No refunds will be made for cancellations received after September 1, 2015. Substitutions are allowed but must be made in writing.

How can I buy tickets for special events?
When you complete the National Assembly registration form, you have the option to purchase tickets for special events during the meeting. If you would like to purchase tickets after you have already registered, contact the AOPA Headquarters at (571) 431-0876 or

Can I purchase event tickets when I get to the meeting?
A limited number of tickets for special events may be available at the registration desk. As these tickets will only be available on the condition that the event has open seats, we strongly suggest that you purchase your tickets in advance.