
DME MACs Announce the Retirement of the Dear Physician Letter for Artificial Limbs

Recently, each of the four DME MAC contractors has published a revised version of the Dear Physician letter regarding artificial limbs. The revised version of the letter states that the Dear Physician letter is being retired due to pending guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on potential program changes that may […]

Additional TPE Program Results Reported by Noridian

Earlier this week, AOPA provided a summary on the first report of results of Target, Probe, and Educate (TPE) audits by Noridian Healthcare Solutions, the Jurisdiction D DME MAC contractor. Since AOPA’s initial report which was limited to TPE results for “walking boot” orthoses, Noridian has published additional results for knee orthoses, spinal orthoses, and […]

Initial Report on TPE Program Suggests Positive Results

Noridian Healthcare Solutions, who serves as the Jurisdiction A and Jurisdiction D Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor, has released results for its initial audits under the Target, Probe, and Educate (TPE) program in Jurisdiction D.  The published results are only for four HCPCS codes selected for the TPE program: L4360, L4361, L4386, and L4387, […]

AOPA-Funded Systematic Review is Now Complete

In 2015 AOPA awarded a grant to Michael Dillon, PhD of La Trobe University for his project “Evaluating outcomes of dysvascular partial foot and transtibial amputation: a systematic review for the development of shared decision making resources”. The project has now been completed and the research team accomplished the following: registered the systematic review protocol […]

AOPA Confirms K0903 Medicare Fee Schedule at Same Rate as A5513

Recently, AOPA announced an important Advocacy victory regarding the Medicare fee schedule amount for K0903, the newly created HCPCS code used to describe direct milled, custom fabricated diabetic inserts.  When K0903 was first announced, CMS indicated that the Medicare fee schedule would be approximately $5.00 less than the current fee schedule for A5513 which describes […]

The 2018 Policy Forum – Another Success!

The 2018 AOPA Policy Forum held March 7-8 was another success that presented realistic opportunities for O&P stakeholders to meet with Congressional representatives to improve patient care and advance other legislative objectives. With a recent legislative win under our belts, AOPA members and O&P users traveled to DC to visit lawmakers to build on this […]

So Congress (and the federal law) now says our orthotist/ prosthetist notes are officially part of the medical record for purposes of medical necessity determinations… now what?

What the new law says The statute, as enacted, is comprised of one sentence which states: *SEC. 50402. ORTHOTIST’S AND PROSTHETIST’S CLINICAL NOTES AS PART OF THE PATIENT’S MEDICAL RECORD.  Section 1834(h) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395m(h)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph.  ”(5) DOCUMENTATION CREATED BY […]

Opportunities for Clinical O&P Research Support from AOPA

The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association is proud to announce 5 Requests for Proposals for separate research grants. As part of AOPA’s Orthotics 2020 initiative, we are committed to making a major leap forward in clinical research that can answer some of the most important and profound issues about Orthotics. AOPA, together with its many […]

Update: Orthotist/prosthetist notes will be considered part of the patient’s medical record by CMS!

It’s official! As a follow-up to yesterday’s announcement, with the overnight action of both Senate and House in enacting the Continuing Resolution and the spending bill, and with President Trump having signed that legislation, not only is the federal government open, but the following O&P provision is now officially signed into law: SEC. 50402. ORTHOTIST’S […]